Luiz Henrique Nobrega (1990), a Brazilian artist and designer, began his artistic journey in childhood, influenced by his uncle, the artist and art educator Ismael dos Santos.
Graduated in Advertising with an emphasis on Design. Henrique explored his talent in manual techniques, anatomy, and digital techniques.
After completing his studies, he embarked on an international journey, refining his skills in Dublin, Ireland, and exploring renowned galleries, schools, and museums. Later, he spent a month immersed in the artistic scene of Amsterdam and conducted cultural and creative research in museums in Paris.
At 24, Henrique dedicated almost two years to studying oil painting, classical drawing, and lettering. His current work reflects his experiences, creating abstractions from letters and words, using a variety of techniques and materials, and pushing the boundaries of conventional art.
With numerous travels across Europe, North America, and Latin America, he absorbed knowledge and inspiration that enriched his journey. By the age of 33, Henrique had gained notoriety through the sale of reproductions and original works, frequently collaborating with renowned architects and designers in Brazil. His work has been featured in magazines and on widely recognized television shows. He currently works as Global Designer for Motorola and as the digital arts curator for the Urban Arts gallery.

International Experience:
Dublin, Ireland – Exchange program to study English and conduct artistic research in galleries, schools, and museums, including Trinity College and the Francis Bacon studio at the Hugh Lane , 2013
Paris, France – Guided visit and artistic research at the Louvre Museum, 2013.
Amsterdam – Immersion in the city's artistic scene, with guided visits to renowned museums and galleries such as the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Museum, Photography Museum - Foam, Moco Museum, Lionel Gallery, Rembrandt House, and Gallery 238 Amsterdam, 2014
Chile and Argentine Patagonia – Artistic and cultural research, 2016
Montreal & Toronto, Canada – Mural Festival, artistic and cultural research, and participation in the Sticker Attack project (Art in the form of stickers), 2019

Artistic Style:
Creation of letters that metamorphose into abstractions, generating networks of meaning through a singular alphabet developed over the years.
Diverse artistic palette, including oil painting, markers, spray paint, acrylics, charcoal, and various other media. His research also explores digital painting.
Exploration of material fusion, such as neon, marble, wood, and tiles, transcends the conventional boundaries of the canvas.

Nascido e criado em São Paulo, Henrique Nobrega é um artista que explora a interseção entre a estética urbana e o design. Influenciado pela cultura do graffiti, pixação, pelas tags e pela dinâmica visual da cidade, suas obras convidam à reflexão sobre temas espirituais, existenciais e sobre a vida. Utilizando lettering como ferramenta central, Henrique desenvolveu um alfabeto próprio que transcende a simples grafia, criando abstrações interativas com o espectador e texturas cheias de palavras e significados. Elementos como espelhos, mármore, azulejos portugueses e luzes neon enriquecem a experiência sensorial e filosófica de suas obras. Os temas centrais de sua prática artística incluem: Existência (palavras de impacto), Luz e Escuridão (luz neon), Autorretrato e Reflexão (espelhos), e Tempo (passado, presente e futuro), por meio de relógios, palavras e os próprios espelhos, que nos convidam a nos ver e a nos refletir. Em sua prática, a luz não apenas ilumina o espaço, mas também provoca introspecção, convidando o público a refletir sobre sua própria luz interior. A noção de tempo é abordada de forma disruptiva, como evidenciado por seu relógio de mármore, cujos ponteiros giram no sentido anti-horário, propondo uma nova percepção do tempo como continuidade e não como um fator determinante. A incorporação de azulejos, referência ao design e à tradição cultural, juntamente com técnicas mistas de pintura, oferece uma estética única que une tradição e inovação. Com uma prática multidisciplinar, Henrique continua a expandir os limites da arte, convidando o público a interagir e refletir sobre suas obras de forma natural e espontânea.